It may be cloudy, clear, raining or snowing... The sun always rises again. Every dawn comes back to iluminate us with its light. It can't avoid it. It is its entire reason of being and existing. Just as for Concha Díaz del Río, create is a necessity. An extension of her essence.The sun, generates landscapes that artists try to reproduce. Concha dreams, projects and composes beauty factories, important brands recognized in the demanding sector of accessories and jewelry design. Brands such as Acherón (1985- 1996), Uno de 50 (1996-2011) and Nº3 (2011- 2014), all founded by Concha Díaz del Río as a Creative Director.And like a sun that cannot stop in create and iluminate landscapes, Concha, after a "night" of rest, rises again with "CXC".

If Concha Díaz del Río is the soul of CXC, the energy of the company is our Human Team, made up of a group of excellents professionals in differents areas of the company.Our company´s management and accounting staff handle the numbers, data, projects, assignments, handicaps and clients as if it were the script of the most complex chapter of Game of Thrones. And without ever losing the smile.Graphic design, photography and artistic design is in charge… no, better to say that it “flies” in charge of neurons capable of getting the best out of artistic creation, with the advantages offered by technique.And what can we say about our Communication Team, that they are always communicating.We develop all from the city of Madrid (Spain).